5 Pratical JavaScript Tricks

3 min readOct 25, 2020

JavaScript Number toString() method with radix param

You’re probably already familiar with thetoString()method used on a Number object, it converts a number to a string. But do you know the toString()method actually takes a parameter ‘radix’ (range between 2–36). This parameter specifies the base in which the integer is represented in the string. Here’s some example:

const num = 140;
num.toString(); // "140"
num.toString(2); // "10001100"
num.toString(8); // "214"
num.toString(16); // "8c"
num.toString(36); // "3w"

And one of the cool things you can do with this is to generate a random ID combined with numbers and letters withtoString()

Math.random().toString(36).slice(2) // "jzark7ew57"

Create an array with initial values

JavaScript Array has this fill(value, start, end) method that will replace all elments between start and end index to value. And this comes handy when we want to create an array and filled it with initial values.

// [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
// [ 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test' ]

One caveat is when using fill()with reference type it will fill the slots with pointers to the…




Written by Jimmy

Software Engineer @Microsoft, ex Apple, Amazon Dev

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